Source code for otx_misp

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import logging
import time
from datetime import datetime
from dateutil import parser as date_parser
import inspect
import six

import pymisp
import requests
from .otx import OTXv2

except NameError:
  basestring = str

__version__ = "1.4.2"

# Try to disable verify SSL warnings

# Get the log handler
log = logging.getLogger('otx_misp')

[docs]class ImportException(Exception): pass
# MISP instance version _misp_server_version = None
[docs]def misp_server_version(misp): """ Retrieve the MISP instance version :param misp: MISP connection object :type misp: :class:`pymisp.PyMISP` :return: MISP instance version as string """ global _misp_server_version if _misp_server_version is None: version = misp.get_version() _misp_server_version = version['version'] return _misp_server_version
[docs]def tag_event(misp, event, tag): """ Add a tag to a MISP event :param misp: MISP connection object :type misp: :class:`pymisp.PyMISP` :param event: a MISP event :param tag: tag to add :return: None """ if not hasattr(misp, '_otx_tags_cache'): misp._otx_tags_cache = misp.get_all_tags()['Tag'] for exist_tag in misp._otx_tags_cache: if exist_tag['name'] == tag: tag_id = exist_tag['id'] if 'EventTag' in event: for evt_tag in event['EventTag']: if tag_id == evt_tag['id']:"\t - Tag already exists. Skipping:".format(tag)) return break if hasattr(misp, 'tag'): version = misp_server_version(misp).split('.') tag_version = '2.4.69'.split('.') for a, b in zip(version, tag_version): if a == b: continue elif a > b: continue else: # a < b misp.add_tag(event, tag) return misp.tag(event['Event']['uuid'], tag) else: misp.add_tag(event, tag)
[docs]def get_pulses(otx_api_key, from_timestamp=None): """ Get the Pulses from Alienvault OTX :param otx_api_key: Alienvault OTX API key :type otx_api_key: string :param from_timestamp: only download Pulses after this date/time (None for all Pulses) :type from_timestamp: :class:`datetime.datetime` or ISO string or Unix timestamp :return: a list of Pulses (dict) """ otx = OTXv2(otx_api_key) if from_timestamp is None: log.debug("Retrieving all Pulses (no timestamp)") pulses = otx.getall() elif isinstance(from_timestamp, int): dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(from_timestamp) from_timestamp = dt.isoformat() pulses = otx.getsince(from_timestamp) elif isinstance(from_timestamp, datetime): from_timestamp = from_timestamp.isoformat() pulses = otx.getsince(from_timestamp) elif isinstance(from_timestamp, basestring): pulses = otx.getsince(from_timestamp) else: raise ValueError("'from_timestamp' must be 'None', a datetime object or an ISO date string") return pulses
[docs]def get_pulses_iter(otx_api_key, from_timestamp=None): """ Get the Pulses from Alienvault OTX and returns a generator :param otx_api_key: Alienvault OTX API key :type otx_api_key: string :param from_timestamp: only download Pulses after this date/time (None for all Pulses) :type from_timestamp: :class:`datetime.datetime` or ISO string or Unix timestamp :return: a generator of Pulses (dict) """ otx = OTXv2(otx_api_key) if from_timestamp is None: log.debug("Retrieving all Pulses (no timestamp)") return otx.getall() elif isinstance(from_timestamp, int): dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(from_timestamp) from_timestamp = dt.isoformat() elif isinstance(from_timestamp, datetime): from_timestamp = from_timestamp.isoformat() elif not isinstance(from_timestamp, basestring): raise ValueError("'from_timestamp' must be 'None', a datetime object or an ISO date string") return otx.getsince_iter(from_timestamp)
[docs]def create_events(pulse_or_list, author=False, server=False, key=False, misp=False, distribution=0, threat_level=4, analysis=2, publish=True, tlp=True, discover_tags=False, to_ids=False, author_tag=False, bulk_tag=None, dedup_titles=False, stop_on_error=False): """ Parse a Pulse or a list of Pulses and add it/them to MISP if server and key are present :param pulse_or_list: a Pulse or list of Pulses as returned by `get_pulses` :param author: Prepend the author to the Pulse name :type author: Boolean :param server: MISP server URL :param key: MISP API key :param misp: MISP connection object :type misp: :class:`pymisp.PyMISP` :param distribution: distribution of the MISP event (0-4) :param threat_level: threat level of the MISP object (1-4) :param analysis: analysis stae of the MISP object (0-2) :param publish: Is the MISP event should be published? :type publish: Boolean :param tlp: Add TLP level tag to event :type tlp: Boolean :param discover_tags: discover MISP tags from Pulse tags :type discover_tags: Boolean :param to_ids: Flag pulse attributes as being sent to an IDS :type to_ids: Boolean :param author_tag: Add the pulse author as an event tag :type author_tag: Boolean :param bulk_tag: A tag that will be added to all events for categorization (e.g. OTX) :type bulk_tag: String :param dedup_titles: Search MISP for an existing event title and update it, rather than create a new one :type dedup_titles: Boolean :return: a dict or a list of dict with the selected attributes """ if not misp and (server and key): log.debug("Connection to MISP instance: {}".format(server)) try: misp = pymisp.PyMISP(server, key, ssl=False, out_type='json') except pymisp.PyMISPError as ex: raise ImportException("Cannot connect to MISP instance: {}".format(ex.message)) except Exception as ex: raise ImportException("Cannot connect to MISP instance, unknown exception: {}".format(ex.message)) if discover_tags: def get_tag_name(complete): parts = complete.split('=') if not len(parts): return complete last = parts[-1] if not len(last): return complete if last[0] == '"': last = last[1:] if last[-1] == '"': last = last[:-1] return last.lower() raw_tags = misp.get_all_tags() tags = dict() for tag in raw_tags['Tag']: tags[get_tag_name(tag['name'])] = tag['name'] misp.discovered_tags = tags if isinstance(pulse_or_list, (list, tuple)) or inspect.isgenerator(pulse_or_list): misp_events = [] for pulse in pulse_or_list: try: misp_event = create_events(pulse, author=author, server=server, key=key, misp=misp, distribution=distribution, threat_level=threat_level, analysis=analysis, publish=publish, tlp=tlp, to_ids=to_ids, author_tag=author_tag, bulk_tag=bulk_tag, dedup_titles=dedup_titles, stop_on_error=stop_on_error) misp_events.append(misp_event) except Exception as ex: if stop_on_error: raise name = '' if pulse and 'name' in pulse: name = pulse['name'] log.error("Cannot import pulse {}: {}".format(name, ex)) return misp_events pulse = pulse_or_list if author: event_name = pulse['author_name'] + ' | ' + pulse['name'] else: event_name = pulse['name'] try: dt = date_parser.parse(pulse['created']) except (ValueError, OverflowError): log.error("Cannot parse Pulse 'created' date.") dt = datetime.utcnow() event_date = dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')"## {name} - {date}".format(name=event_name, date=event_date)) result_event = { 'name': event_name, 'date': event_date, 'tags': list(), 'attributes': { 'hashes': { 'md5': list(), 'sha1': list(), 'sha256': list(), 'imphash': list(), 'pehash': list() }, 'hostnames': list(), 'domains': list(), 'urls': list(), 'ips': list(), 'emails': list(), 'mutexes': list(), 'references': list(), 'cves': list(), 'filenames': list(), 'yara': list() }, } if misp: if not dedup_titles: event = misp.new_event(distribution, threat_level, analysis, event_name, date=event_date, published=publish) else: event = '' # Check if username is added to title # Build the title if author: event_name = pulse['author_name'] + ' | ' + pulse['name'] else: event_name = pulse['name'] # Search MISP for the title result = misp.search_index(eventinfo=event_name) if 'message' in result: if result['message'] == "No matches.": event = misp.new_event(distribution, threat_level, analysis, event_name, date=event_date, published=publish) else: for evt in result['response']: # If it exists, set 'event' to the event if evt['info'] == event_name: if 'SharingGroup' in evt: del evt['SharingGroup'] # This deletes the SharingGroup from the list, thx SparkyNZL event = {'Event': evt} break if event == '': # Event not found, even though search results were returned # Build new event event = misp.new_event(distribution, threat_level, analysis, event_name, date=event_date, published=publish) time.sleep(0.2) if tlp: tag = None if 'TLP' in pulse: tag = "tlp:{}".format(pulse['TLP']) elif 'tlp' in pulse: tag = "tlp:{}".format(pulse['tlp']) if tag is not None:"\t - Adding tag: {}".format(tag)) tag_event(misp, event, tag) result_event['tags'].append(tag) if author_tag: tag_event(misp, event, pulse['author_name']) if bulk_tag is not None: tag_event(misp, event, bulk_tag) if misp and hasattr(misp, 'discovered_tags') and 'tags' in pulse: for pulse_tag in pulse['tags']: if pulse_tag.lower() in misp.discovered_tags: tag = misp.discovered_tags[pulse_tag.lower()]"\t - Adding tag: {}".format(tag)) tag_event(misp, event, tag) result_event['tags'].append(tag) if 'references' in pulse: for reference in pulse['references']: if reference:"\t - Adding external analysis link: {}".format(reference)) if misp: misp.add_named_attribute(event, 'link', reference, category='External analysis') result_event['attributes']['references'].append(reference) if misp and 'description' in pulse and isinstance(pulse['description'], six.text_type) and pulse['description']:"\t - Adding external analysis comment") misp.add_named_attribute(event, 'comment', pulse['description'], category='External analysis') for ind in pulse['indicators']: ind_type = ind['type'] ind_val = ind['indicator'] ind_kwargs = {'to_ids': to_ids} if 'description' in ind and isinstance(ind['description'], six.text_type) and ind['description']: ind_kwargs['comment'] = ind['description'] if ind_type == 'FileHash-SHA256':"\t - Adding SHA256 hash: {}".format(ind_val)) if misp: misp.add_hashes(event, sha256=ind_val, **ind_kwargs) result_event['attributes']['hashes']['sha256'].append(ind_val) elif ind_type == 'FileHash-SHA1':"\t - Adding SHA1 hash: {}".format(ind_val)) if misp: misp.add_hashes(event, sha1=ind_val, **ind_kwargs) result_event['attributes']['hashes']['sha1'].append(ind_val) elif ind_type == 'FileHash-MD5':"\t - Adding MD5 hash: {}".format(ind_val)) if misp: misp.add_hashes(event, md5=ind_val, **ind_kwargs) result_event['attributes']['hashes']['md5'].append(ind_val) elif ind_type == 'URI' or ind_type == 'URL':"\t - Adding URL: {}".format(ind_val)) if misp: misp.add_url(event, ind_val, **ind_kwargs) result_event['attributes']['urls'].append(ind_val) elif ind_type == 'domain':"\t - Adding domain: {}".format(ind_val)) if misp: misp.add_domain(event, ind_val, **ind_kwargs) result_event['attributes']['domains'].append(ind_val) elif ind_type == 'hostname':"\t - Adding hostname: {}".format(ind_val)) if misp: misp.add_hostname(event, ind_val, **ind_kwargs) result_event['attributes']['hostnames'].append(ind_val) elif ind_type == 'IPv4' or ind_type == 'IPv6':"\t - Adding ip: {}".format(ind_val)) if misp: misp.add_ipdst(event, ind_val, **ind_kwargs) result_event['attributes']['ips'].append(ind_val) elif ind_type == 'email':"\t - Adding email: {}".format(ind_val)) if misp: misp.add_email_dst(event, ind_val, **ind_kwargs) result_event['attributes']['emails'].append(ind_val) elif ind_type == 'Mutex':"\t - Adding mutex: {}".format(ind_val)) if misp: misp.add_mutex(event, ind_val, **ind_kwargs) result_event['attributes']['mutexes'].append(ind_val) elif ind_type == 'CVE':"\t - Adding CVE: {}".format(ind_val)) if misp: misp.add_named_attribute(event, 'vulnerability', ind_val, category='External analysis', **ind_kwargs) result_event['attributes']['cves'].append(ind_val) elif ind_type == 'FileHash-IMPHASH':"\t - Adding IMPHASH hash: {}".format(ind_val)) if misp: misp.add_named_attribute(event, 'imphash', ind_val, category='Artifacts dropped', **ind_kwargs) result_event['attributes']['hashes']['imphash'].append(ind_val) elif ind_type == 'FileHash-PEHASH':"\t - Adding PEHASH hash: {}".format(ind_val)) if misp: misp.add_named_attribute(event, 'pehash', ind_val, category='Artifacts dropped', **ind_kwargs) result_event['attributes']['hashes']['pehash'].append(ind_val) elif ind_type == 'FilePath':"\t - Adding filename: {}".format(ind_val)) if misp: misp.add_filename(event, ind_val, category='Artifacts dropped', **ind_kwargs) result_event['attributes']['filenames'].append(ind_val) elif ind_type == 'YARA': ind_title = ind.get('title', ind_val) ind_desc = ind.get('description', '') if ind_title == '': ind_title = ind_val if not ind_desc == '': ind_kwargs['comment'] = ind_desc else: ind_kwargs['comment'] = "{} {}".format(ind_title, ind_desc) ind_val = ind.get('content', None) if ind_val is None or ind_val == "": log.warning("YARA indicator is empty: %s" % ind_title) continue"\t - Adding YARA rule: {}".format(ind_title)) if misp: misp.add_yara(event, ind_val, category='Artifacts dropped', **ind_kwargs) result_event['attributes']['yara'].append({'title': ind_title, 'content': ind_val}) else: log.warning("Unsupported indicator type: %s" % ind_type) if misp and publish: event['Event']['published'] = False misp.publish(event) return result_event